West Newbury Recreation and Facilities
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Cammett Park
The Town of West Newbury portal for the 2025 Summer Rec Program and  Facility/Field Use Reservations!
About Us
Camp counselors and kids bouncing balls on a colorful parachute
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For Program Sign-ups &
Facility/Field Use Requests
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Summer Program shirt and feet
Summer Rec Program
at Page School 2025!

Info + Sign-ups!
View Programs
Page School
Parks & Rec Commission
Field Reservations
& Town Facility Rentals/
Reserve Now

Welcome to the Town of West Newbury MyRec Portal

We are proud to provide you with the Town of West Newbury's online program registration and facility reservation system. To get started please Create an Account with all your household information. The data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us better serve you. This info will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.

When you’re ready to start registering for activities, be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page.

The Town of West Newbury does not have a dedicated Recreation Department.  This MyRec.com platform is designed to provide improved service to residents, at greater efficiency of staff time, in a number of different areas of Town operations:

- Summer Rec Program at Page School
- Facility Use Reservation/Rental (Town Facilities)
- Field Use Reservation/Rental (Parks & Rec Facilities)

Administration responsibilities for the MyRec.com site are led or coordinated by the Town Manager's office.